When we experience a concussion our nerve axons (connections) are stretched!

February 16, 2017

If you connected all of our neurons, they would stretch around the earth four times. That's 100 billion neurons that make up our brain, all connected to create a framework that allows for incredible function, allowing us to love, create, think, imagine, dream, move, plan, focus, speak and the list goes on. However, our brains are so miraculous, not based...

Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Brain Wellness

May 7, 2016

A patient recently said to me, "that Oxygen chamber is better than a cup of coffee." Brain wellness, why don't we discuss this topic more? We're so obsessed with nutrition and exercise that we forget about a fundamental requirement for the brain, Oxygen. Unfortunately, many of us do not get enough Oxygen required by the brain to work at our full potential....

Migraines: Why we are getting tremendous results with Chiropractic Neurology

April 5, 2016

To understand Migraines, you need to understand the mechanism that causes them. So often, I am puzzled by the care that I see Migraine sufferers receiving in an attempt to "control" migraines. I have since realized that there aren't many practitioners out there that truly understand migraines and their cause. Migraine pain is severe, often one sided,...

Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Neurological conditions and Brain Injury

April 5, 2016

It is widely understood that oxygen is important in our body's innate healing mechanisms. What isn't understood is that even though we are breathing, oxygen is not perfusing areas of the body sufficient for optimal function and healing. Our brain, specifically the autonomic nervous system, regulates where blood flow will be increased or decreased in...

Neuroplasticity Exercises to Restore Brain Health

April 5, 2016

What is Neuroplasticity? It refers to the ability of the brain to adapt, reorganizing to create new neural pathways so that we can CHANGE our brain function as needed. Why is it needed? Many of us go through life changing head injuries, major life events that alter us in some way, illness, accidents, postural changes and every day stress that can effect the...

Maintenance for your Spine equals Maintenance for your Brain

March 31, 2016

Once you're experiencing pain, it's too late. By that I don't mean that it's not treatable, but I do mean that your system has already been compensating for some time. Unless you have recently injured yourself, your issue has most likely developed over time from chronic strain due to posture, sleeping positions, habits, work ergonomics, weekend activities...

20 Tips for reducing Headaches and Migraines

March 8, 2016

Drink more water Increase Antioxidants (fresh fruits) Supplement with Magnesium and B-complex vitamins Eat smaller meals throughout the day (keeping blood sugar level) Eat a big breakfast Discontinue drinking caffeine High protein, low carbohydrate diet Exercise more frequently Improve posture/ergonomics of sitting and standing Discontinue eating dairy...

Vestibular Migraine: the second most common cause of vertigo

March 4, 2016

Migraines are one of the more common neurological conditions seen in our office. And while Migraines are often associated with pain and throbbing sensation, they are also connected with the vestibular, or inner ear systems within the brain that control balance, hearing and motion. These Migraine variants are known as Vestibular Migraines, and are the second...

Trigger points: a more effective treatment

February 20, 2016

Trigger points are most effectively retrained by shortening and lengthening the muscle along its contractile elements with simultaneous myofascial release, known as Active Release Technique. If you're a patient in our office, this is when you are moving a body part and it feels as if we're digging our thumbs into you. This resets the neurological patterns...

Feeling disoriented? Is it vertigo, dizziness, light-headedness, post-concussion syndrome, syncope, vestibular migraine, lack of sleep or my diet?

February 20, 2016

Feeling off, or disoriented is a common thread seen within many individuals, and most certainly within the patient population treated at our office. The question is, what could be the cause? What makes a person feel like they are not centered, or balanced in their environment. The answer is simple, but the reason behind it may be complex.  If your gaze is...
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