Disequilibrium (balance)

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October 4, 2013

Balance occurs when our spine, surrounding muscles and brain are effectively signaling back and forth. If this doesn’t occur due to some error in either of the aforementioned systems, then balance and equilibrium will be affected. When we sway to one side, we stretch, or trigger sensitive spinal stabilizing muscles on the opposing side. Consider a sway to the left, this causes a signal to be sent to the cerebellum on the right side as the muscles of that side are stretched, which then sends a signal to the left cortex, interpreting the information. The left cortex, utilizing the corticospinal pathway, signals back down to the right side that has been stretched and contracts the larger spinal and pelvic muscles to contract in a coordinated fashion-pulling us back to center-this is known as balance.

Common associated symptoms:

  • Off balance
  • Vertigo
  • Dizziness/light headed
  • Blurry vision
  • Spatial awareness issues (disconnected feeling)
  • Gait disturbance (walking abnormalities or feeling as if you sway to one side)

What can Chiropractic Neurology accomplish?  

There are many conditions that disequilibrium is associated with, but by locating where the signaling errors are occurring, we can diagnose and devise a treatment plan to restore normal communicating patterns. This may be at the spinal levels that aren’t being stretched appropriately, or it could be that the vestibular system and cerebellum that control balance and coordination that may not be processing information accurately.  It is often at the spatial mapping centers within our superior colliculus and parietal lobe that are not able to interpret the appropriate feedback. There are many different areas that may be at fault, but through careful, thorough evaluation we can diagnose the cause of your condition appropriately and aim to correct the problem.