Hip flexor pain - Iliopsoas and Rectus Femoris

Symptoms by body part:

Hip Flexor (Lower-Outer-Groin)
Acute Pain
Muscle Tightness
Inguinal/Iliopsoas (Upper-Outer-Groin)
Muscle Tightness

The Iliopsoas muscle is often known as the "great masquerader," due to its connectivity within many regions of the body and proximity to important organs and structures. It is an important muscle for appropriate control of the pelvis and trunk, as it attaches between the lumbar spine, pelvis and hip joint.  It is often an injury seen during athletics as it is a dynamic mover during sprinting, jumping and overall movement.  Its primary job is to flex the hip and during bending of the trunk.  It is comprised of the Psoas minor (attached at T12 and L1), Psoas Major (attaches to the vertebrae and discs of T12-L5) and the Iliacus (starts at the top portion of the pelvic rim).  These three muscles coalesce to form the Iliopsoas, which traverse the anterior portions of the hip region and specifically into the femur (lesser trochanter attachment)

Common symptoms:

  • Pain in the groin
  • Pain in the hip
  • Reduced range of motion in the hip, pelvis or lumbar spine
  • Pain in the lower back or pelvis region
  • Tightness in the lower abdomen and groin during walking or running
  • Palpable pain at the lower, outer abdomen and front of the hip
  • Inability to raise hip/leg without tightness and/or pain


Treatment offered at PCN:

  • Electrical muscle stimulation
  • Cold Laser therapy
  • Active muscle release
  • Myofascial Release
  • Stretching
  • Strengthening
  • Postural rehab
  • Kinesio taping

It is important to evaluate Lumbosacral and lower extremity biomechanics, surrounding muscle strength(antagonist) and flexibility of the tissues in that region.  Once an appropriate diagnosis as to whether this is a primary or secondary cause of the patient's discomfort, an appropriate treatment plan that consists of stretching, strengthening, postural rehab and biomechanical care to the lower back and pelvic regions will ensue.  Massage therapy, Acupuncture and Physical Therapy are excellent sources of treatment, and occasionally trigger point injections at the appropriate sites.