How Can We Use Your Eyes To Fix Your Brain's involvement in Concussion, Vertigo, Dizziness, Migraine, and Headaches?

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July 31, 2023

All of your eye movements are connected to a specific part of your brain. We can use these eye movements to measure how healthy function is throughout the brain by utilizing sophisticated testing such as videonystagmography, which allows us to view the eyes using infrared cameras when asked to perform certain tasks. This provides tremendous insight into how your brain is functioning.

After we locate the sources of your dizziness, brain fog, light headedness, headaches, migraines, memory issues, light and sound sensitivity, blurry or double vision, eye tracking errors, convergence insufficiency or spasm, or vertigo, we then are able to devise specific neuroplasticity treatments to retrain the communciation errors with the brain.

Neuroplasticity is the creation of new synapses, or connections within the brain, forming pathways that carry information from one area to another. As we repeatedly stimulate the brain a specific way along these paths, we can reinforce and trengthen communication that corrects the aforementioned symptoms. 

As functional neurologists, our expertise is the function of the brain and we use specialized tools and treatments to ensure that we are changing your brain back to its original function, restoring health and eliminating symptoms.